Trailer - Finding and Exploiting Vulnerabilities in Mobile Point of Sales Terminals
Trailer for the research project and talk "For the Love of Money: Finding and Exploiting Vulnerabilities in Mobile Point of Sales Terminals"
Trailer for the research project and talk "For the Love of Money: Finding and Exploiting Vulnerabilities in Mobile Point of Sales Terminals"
Art as a methodology for security research. Art and security share a lot of commonalities. In this article I discuss my research methodology which has evolved out of art.
New research in which vulnerabilities have been identified in mobile point of sales terminals.
Write up of the capture the flag (CTF) competition at 44Con 2018.
Escaping kiosk mode is far easier than you might expect
On the 16th of June, HackerOne paid out over $80,000 in rewards during their first London meetup. Bug bounties are big business, and for good reason. Bug bounty programs incentivise security researchers to report security issues in an organised manner.