LA Galloway

23 posts
In love with money but clueless

In love with money but clueless

Given the high level of interaction we all have payments every day; how is it that we don’t know more about payment technologies? I want to change that. I am going to

LayerOne, Los Angeles

LayerOne, Los Angeles

LayerOne Promo Video I made this promotional video for a talk I did at LayerOne in Los Angeles. In this talk we discuss payment technologies and the security issues associated with them. No

Money Makes Money

Money Makes Money

Money Makes Money, How To Buy An ATM I made this promotional video for a talk I'll doing at a couple of conferences this year. The talk is called 'Money

It's not Yourspace, it's Myspace

It's not Yourspace, it's Myspace

In April this year whilst roaming the plains of the wild world web, I stumbled across an old Myspace account of mine. Attempting to gain access and delete the account I discovered a

main with double slashes.